Tuesday 22 February 2011

Spying Techniques.

The MI5 do it all the time.  When they can't get a piece of information from someone, they rely on that old fashioned tactic called, Getting someone else to do all the dirty work instead.  All the idiots that I was in school with can't get near to me.  So they rely on someone else putting on an act.  It's all part of an emotional blackmail scam.  They believe you are a weakling, because you don't join in with society.  They also think you have something big to hide.  But your enemy has bigger weaknesses.

Spying goes on in Supermarkets too.  There are many scams in which you can easily avoid.  Stay clear from giving out too much information about yourself.  Supermarkets have special Rewards Cards.  These are designed to help them find out about your shopping habits.  If you are buying Pet Food, they can easily send you Junk Mail through the post.  This Junk Mail asks you to take out Pet Insurance.  You cannot replace a pet after it dies.  You can't have the same pet brought back to life.  Nothing can ever replace a lost, or dead pet.

There are many other places in which secrecy is rife.  The government use CCTV constantly, to pry into your own rightful privacy.  The Police are also constantly monitoring your every movement.  Even if you are not a criminal.  They just want to tar everyone with the same brush.  It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong.  The Police will stop at nothing to get any data on you, and your background.  My sister and I were once stopped outside a church.  The officer in charge jumped to an immediate conclusion about us both.  They did not look for any true facts whatsoever.  We were judged as guilty right away.  The Police didn't even give us a chance to speak for ourselves.

It's the same with so-called Security Guards.  What are they trying to secure?  Not the rights of you and I.  We are just humans, born to fill their pockets with our hard earned cash.  Let's place VAT on every human being, is their motive.  That's why they need spies.  If you don't toe-the-line, they'll have you arrested and sent to Auschwitz.  And this is the so-called modern Police force today.  What more can you expect?  And they tell us all we are living longer.  What a load of total bullshit.

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