Sunday 20 February 2011

David Cameron Is Ruining Great Britain.

Mr Camerons multi-ignorant coalition gov isn't going to work.  It took Mrs Thatcher about two years to become unpopular with everybody.  With David Cameron and Nick Clegg its less than six months, since they became unpopular with almost everybody.

Mr Camerons new coalition has destroyed our working-class culture.  Mr Cameron and Nick Clegg have brought thousands and thousands of people out of work.  Then they both turn around and state that they are helping the country.  The concept of Mr Camerons so-called Big Society is for his own ends.  Not the needs of society or the disabled. 

I believe that by the next general election, they're out for good.  No-one wants the super-wealthy anymore.  They abuse our rights.  They force the poor to pay more tax etc.  Do us a favour David Cameron, go home for good.  Go and play with your toy trainset.

There are many secret measures going on, without us ever knowing at all.  The Goverment would rather it, if every poor person was put into concentration camps.  You are not allowed to wear t-shirts with statements on them saying, Bird Watching.  Bird Watching is politically incorrect.  Even when you have a picture of a pair of binoculars, which show female-silhouettes in the rounded binoculars.  Has it really come to this?  What are we all going to be told not to do next?  Will we be allowed to look through our house windows?  Or is this an offence, to those that can secretly pry into our homes and privacy?  The world has certainly gone potty.

It also seems to me, that politicians can do what they bloody like.  But the poor have always got to do without.  The super-wealthy can have sexual freedom.  But the poor have got to be forced to go out, with whom they are told to go out with.  The super-wealthy always think they know what's best for us.  They are like the big school bullies, that tease you in the playground.  If you have lots of money, then it gives you the right to boss others around, that are less fortunate than we are.

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